Just Writin'

Accepting Jesus Christ into your life is the best thing that can ever happen for your timeline.✝️


  • Blue Checks, Nike Checks, & Paychecks

    What a time to be alive in. It almost seems like the sky is the limit. But with this unfortunately comes both positive and negative. The purpose of this post is to share my thoughts and opinions on an issue today that concerns me. Blue checks, Nike checks, and paychecks hold a high level of… Continue reading

  • 🚫🦿🚫

    As women one of the most important things we can remind ourselves is that we are not robots. It’s okay to pause, it’s okay to rest, it’s okay to be behind on your TBR list, it’s okay to take one class at a time, etc. I have had to learn that it’s okay to feed… Continue reading

  • 📔Raising Readers📔

    As a mother one of the most important parts of our family life has been books, libraries, and reading. It’s not that I understood the importance of literacy or that I was an avid reader. As a matter of fact I didn’t begin to enjoy reading until womanhood. The thing is I never wanted them… Continue reading

About Me

I am a 34 year old Christian, wife, and mother of four young children. I am also a Christian rapper and poet. I first gave my life to Christ as a teenager when my mother and I would walk to a local church but soon after backslid. I rededicated my life to Christ in 2012. Giving my life to Jesus Christ is the best thing I could have ever done. I was born and raised in Georgia where I currently reside. My hobbies include thrifting and trying new recipes. I also enjoy reading, writing, good conversations, and listening to gospel music.

https://www.facebook.com/MaritzaHolley7/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtbW8DnYMwusFZhmYGeM5Q/videos
