Just Writin'

Accepting Jesus Christ into your life is the best thing that can ever happen for your timeline.✝️

Have you lost your fight?

When we first become parents we have big goals. At the beginning we knew what kind of parent we wanted to be and we had a vision for our family. Along the way we got laxed. Sometimes we lose our fight. Maybe it’s because of the constant battle of trying to accomplish them with no or low compliance. Maybe it’s because the pressure of going against the norm in your family. Whatever the reason, I want you to “dust your self off and try again”.

Some of us wanted to get our children to bed at a decent hour and somehow we got off course and a little too lenient. Some of us wanted to make sure they got outside often. Some of us had a plan to eat dinner together nightly. Some may have wanted to have monthly game nights. Some of us wanted to keep our children involved in church. And some of us started off with a plan to be consistent about our children’s water, vegetable, and fruit intake but now have gotten laxed.

What are some realistic standards you had for your family? Where would you like to see growth? Have you lost your fight? I want to challenge you to get your fight back. At first it may not go as planned but keep at it. Put some prayer on it and watch God turn that thing around for His glory. My prayer today is that God would help us in all we aspire to do on this journey. Always remember Luke 1:37. For with God nothing shall be impossible.


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About Me

I am a 34 year old Christian, wife, and mother of four young children. I am also a Christian rapper and poet. I first gave my life to Christ as a teenager when my mother and I would walk to a local church but soon after backslid. I rededicated my life to Christ in 2012. Giving my life to Jesus Christ is the best thing I could have ever done. I was born and raised in Georgia where I currently reside. My hobbies include thrifting and trying new recipes. I also enjoy reading, writing, good conversations, and listening to gospel music.

https://www.facebook.com/MaritzaHolley7/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtbW8DnYMwusFZhmYGeM5Q/videos
